Thursday, May 1, 2008

Avatars !!!

I found myself some spare time to make some avatars for our clan. I made 6 avatars: one for the Leader, one for the Co-Leaders, one for the Head-Spy, one for the Spies, one for the Messengers and another one for the Sealers ! I hope you like 'em... But I'd like if someone has new ideas or already made avatars specialy for our clan, send me a mail ( or a PM on N-A (you have my N-A profile in the left corner of the blog). You can find the avatars on the Avatars! page of our official site ( Note: the Spies and the Head Spy aren't allowed to wear their avatars while they're assigned on a clan mission!
The Jinchuuriki Rasengan members are obligated to wear these avatars ;)

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