Big announcement for the Jinchuuriki Rasengan members. A new era has begone for our clan.
As the first Co-Leader hasn't made his appearance on the clan activity or N-A(N-B) he is fired from the clan. I'll make a clan thread as soon as possible for posting it on Naruto-Boards, so our clan can become official and grow stronger. With this oportunity, we'll also make a recruitment page.
News flash: We'll have 3 Co-Leaders instead of just 2, we'll have 2 Head Spies instead of 1, and we'll limit the number of Simple Spies to just 6, already having 4 of them (so the recruiting activit can go smoothly). We'll also have an Akatsuki Members section made of 10 Akatsukis. Their role is to defend the clan in case of war and big tournaments and raise the standards of our clan.
Another thing: I ask all the J-R members to NOT RECRUIT ANYONE UNTIL THE CLAN PAGE ON NARUTO-BOARDS IS FINISHED. The reason of this is that we'll have to wait to make our clan public so the best people can come in.
So, the Golden Era of Jinchuuriki Rasengan is almost starting, and we'll have to celebrate this in a way, no? We'll make an intern tourney ppl! :)
Well, here's how the things are going to be:
Faze 1:
Tzatzi007 vs Narutosupernova (best 3 out of 5 - match #1)
Sisupuya vs Vlacry (best 2 out of 3 - match #2)
Orochisuraiya vs Austinlaser (best 2 out of 3 - match #3)
Blo vs Suzaku (best 2 out of 3 - match #4)
Faze 2:
Winner from match #1 vs Winner from match #3 (2/3 match)
Winner from match #2 (Vlacry) vs Winner from match #4 (2/3 match)
Loser from match #1 vs Loser from match #3 (2/3 match)
Loser from match #2 (Sisupuya) vs Loser from match #4 (2/3 match)
Rules: In faze 1 you are not allowed to use the same team twice. If you use the same team twice, you lose the fight, and continue on to the next one. In faze 2 you are allowed to use any team and it doesn't matter if you use the same or not.
In case person X has a glitch in a X vs Y match, the Y person decides if the 2 of them can repeat the match.
Faze 1 must be made from Monday 19.05.2008 to Friday 23.05.2008. Faze 2 begins on Saturday 24.05.2008 and must be completed on Tuesday 27.05.2008. So everybody has plenty of time to show up and fight.
Have fun, duuuh !!!
Note: In this tournament there are no losers, despite the details above. Everybody is a winner here, because this tournament is made just for selebrating the Golden Era of J-R ! It's made just for having fun and nothing else!
Now okay, I know it sounds very interesting this "Golden Era" thing, but please don't rush me, 'cause there are a lot of things to do and believe me, it's not easy.
And another (very important!) thing: If anyone from J-R is or knows a very good GFX-er, please contact me urgently. We need a good GFX-er for making the banners and tags for our clan thread. Thank you!