Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Site is available!!!

The ~JR::. Official Site is ready, ladies and gentlemen!

<<< You can find the link on the left

Just click and enjoy, and don't forget, suggestions are welcome.

*NOTE: I will add more pages in the following days.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Banned! And someone who needs to be banned (i guess)

Your Leader got banned >.<
Yeah, I kinda insulted a loser who insulted a girl (wow, what a gay-ish attitude) and got banned 'till tomorrow (Friday).

But that's not that important, from tomorrow I'm back in bussines ^.^

Well you remember our old "pal", dark_lord_of_rgp, old sisupuya, the one who complained along with me that our passwords got stolen <.< Yeah, well thank God that we have Vlacry in our clan, he discovered that actually dark_lord_of_rgp gave my password to Satana222 in order to hack me and use my old account, Tzatzi007. Vlacry managed to get my password back from ShadowSpirit, the old buddy of dark_lord_of_rgp and help me re-establish control over Tzatzi007. Well I'm not going to use the Tzatzi007 account anymore, because I would have to remake the Clan Thread, send messages to all of the members and allies and that would confuse a lot of people. I'm just gonna check once a week the account to assure myself that it's secured ;)
Well dark_lord_of_rgp got kicked out of ~JR::. (well... duh) and started a clan on his own, naming it after a clan that got disban a little while ago, Dark Avengers, proving his lack of imagination and stupidity. But the thing that pissed me off was that he copied/pasted our Organization section of our clan thread and put it onto his own.
Ermm, okay... Weird.
After that I contacted several mods and they all told me that it was none of their bussiness! And now we're stuck with an enemy copying our clan! ;) Well, that when I'll can get back on the Boards :D

Monday, May 26, 2008

Passwords and new members

Hey guyz, whatzup??? So, there had been some really fuckin problems on N-A which made the selebration tournament go wrong and sease. Yeah, I know it kinda sucks, but trust me, I'm dissapointed too... Well, my Tzatzi007 password got stolen, and Sisupuya's too, so we made new accounts... It's not so bad as it seems, the only thing that's bothering me is having to start from 0 again, being just an Academy Student (right now a fuckin Genin >.< ) and with no characters unlocked... My new account name is Mini-Me2 and Sisupuya's is Dark_lord_of_rgp.
Another problem that came in package with this nonsense is the control on our clan thread, on N-B. The old one was made by Tzatzi007, so I couldn't modify anything to it in this stance, so I made another one, being Mini-Me2. If you want to go to out clan thread, just clicky: You can find more info there.
Well, now about our new members... We recruited another Head-Spy and two Akatsuki members, their in-clan nicks being Tobi and Itachi. I'm going to modify the members list from the site and on this blog today, don't worry...
I guess that's all, you ppl just comment below. Thanks... ~JR::. Leader

Sunday, May 18, 2008

J-R Golden Era

Big announcement for the Jinchuuriki Rasengan members. A new era has begone for our clan.

As the first Co-Leader hasn't made his appearance on the clan activity or N-A(N-B) he is fired from the clan. I'll make a clan thread as soon as possible for posting it on Naruto-Boards, so our clan can become official and grow stronger. With this oportunity, we'll also make a recruitment page.

News flash: We'll have 3 Co-Leaders instead of just 2, we'll have 2 Head Spies instead of 1, and we'll limit the number of Simple Spies to just 6, already having 4 of them (so the recruiting activit can go smoothly). We'll also have an Akatsuki Members section made of 10 Akatsukis. Their role is to defend the clan in case of war and big tournaments and raise the standards of our clan.

Another thing: I ask all the J-R members to NOT RECRUIT ANYONE UNTIL THE CLAN PAGE ON NARUTO-BOARDS IS FINISHED. The reason of this is that we'll have to wait to make our clan public so the best people can come in.

So, the Golden Era of Jinchuuriki Rasengan is almost starting, and we'll have to celebrate this in a way, no? We'll make an intern tourney ppl! :)

Well, here's how the things are going to be:

Faze 1:

Tzatzi007 vs Narutosupernova (best 3 out of 5 - match #1)

Sisupuya vs Vlacry (best 2 out of 3 - match #2)

Orochisuraiya vs Austinlaser (best 2 out of 3 - match #3)

Blo vs Suzaku (best 2 out of 3 - match #4)

Faze 2:

Winner from match #1 vs Winner from match #3 (2/3 match)

Winner from match #2 (Vlacry) vs Winner from match #4 (2/3 match)

Loser from match #1 vs Loser from match #3 (2/3 match)

Loser from match #2 (Sisupuya) vs Loser from match #4 (2/3 match)

Rules: In faze 1 you are not allowed to use the same team twice. If you use the same team twice, you lose the fight, and continue on to the next one. In faze 2 you are allowed to use any team and it doesn't matter if you use the same or not.

In case person X has a glitch in a X vs Y match, the Y person decides if the 2 of them can repeat the match.

Faze 1 must be made from Monday 19.05.2008 to Friday 23.05.2008. Faze 2 begins on Saturday 24.05.2008 and must be completed on Tuesday 27.05.2008. So everybody has plenty of time to show up and fight.

Have fun, duuuh !!!

Note: In this tournament there are no losers, despite the details above. Everybody is a winner here, because this tournament is made just for selebrating the Golden Era of J-R ! It's made just for having fun and nothing else!

Now okay, I know it sounds very interesting this "Golden Era" thing, but please don't rush me, 'cause there are a lot of things to do and believe me, it's not easy.

And another (very important!) thing: If anyone from J-R is or knows a very good GFX-er, please contact me urgently. We need a good GFX-er for making the banners and tags for our clan thread. Thank you!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

War won!

The Four Kage Alliance won the war against Ninjasimari and its clan. (Well, The Four Kage Alliance should have had 4 clans, but Mindexas333 didn't gave us an answer to our call, so it's kinda The Three Kage Alliance)

1) Date: May 3, 2008 at 15:14 PM Message,Quote by tzatzi007: We're starting a war against your clan. I told you we're gonna get revenge for insulting our clan. You'll need another 12 members of your clan to compete, it's a 13vs13 war. Me against you, and other 12 members of yours against other 12 members of my clan and another 3 allied clans of mine. PM me back if you accept it or not, but if you're not a chicken, you're gonna accept it . (Personally, i don't mind you getting members from other clans, but I'll need proof that they're really allied with you. I'll give you my proof when you'll accept.

2) And then Ninjasimari sent me a simple PM: "Ok"

I think this "Ok" means that he accepted the war, 'cause if he hadn't, he would have told me in the first place.

3) Subject: RE: Name of the alliance Sender: ninjasimari Reciever: tzatzi007 Date: May 5, 2008 at 20:24
PM Message
Quote by tzatzi007
Tzatzi007: What's the name of your alliance?
Ninjasimari: srry my clan is disban

4) Tzatzi007: well get it right 'till friday! or you're gonna lose the war... rules are rules.

5) Ninjasimari: i never said i accept so i cant lose

This is the moment when he really pissed me off... I sent him my proof that he accepted, the no1 line (look up ^^^)

6) Tzatzi007: proof line + and then you said: )ok. this is my proof so yeah, u DID accept the war.

7) Ninjasimari: i said ok not i accept so quit before i report you

Sorry, THIS is the moment he pissed me off, right this morning.

After this, I sent him a PM where I told him that he officialy lost the war.
So everybody can start making banners or putting messages like "War won!" on their sigs :))

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The war begins!

^^^ You can find the rules of the war that starts on Saturday 10.05.2008. Everybody should wish everybody (except the enemy team, LoL) good luck! Now everybody should start practising with their streak teams and let's hope that the new characters from N-A which will be released on 07.05.2008 won't bug us. Good luck to everyone!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New ally... The war begins!

We now have our last (but definitely not least) ally!

Ultimate Akatsuki Clan, led by an old and very powerful friend of mine, KuzonMadaraki...

We can now start the war against The Ninja Legends. I'm going to post the details tomorrow, so you should start practising with your streak teams asap!

Good luck to all...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Preparing a war...

The following information is maybe the most secret one, and I'm risking a lot posting it. But here goes nothing...
Austinlaser infiltrated in the enemy clan, The Ninja Legends, led by Ninjasimari. I can't post their site 'cause... Well... This information isn't available for the public, but only for the Head Spy, the Spies and the Leader, in association with the Co-Leaders. But maybe the most valuable information we got so far is that they don't have any allies (no really? :)) not so surprised), so we should start a war against them as quickly as we can, but we still wait for more information.
In addition, today we found another Spy: Blo. His first mission is to scout through Naruto-Boards and find 2 or 3 allies that we can persuade to join the cause.
I'm begging all the members of Jinchuuriki Rasengan to have patience 'till the war starts and prepare their streak teams for battle. Starting tommorow, I'll try to put a new window on the Blog which in you can post your streak teams so everyone can choose from. We need all the support you can offer...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Avatars !!!

I found myself some spare time to make some avatars for our clan. I made 6 avatars: one for the Leader, one for the Co-Leaders, one for the Head-Spy, one for the Spies, one for the Messengers and another one for the Sealers ! I hope you like 'em... But I'd like if someone has new ideas or already made avatars specialy for our clan, send me a mail ( or a PM on N-A (you have my N-A profile in the left corner of the blog). You can find the avatars on the Avatars! page of our official site ( Note: the Spies and the Head Spy aren't allowed to wear their avatars while they're assigned on a clan mission!
The Jinchuuriki Rasengan members are obligated to wear these avatars ;)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our second ally!

Before telling you who our new ally is, let me make a review of our Allies and Enemies List. Well this information is available on our official site ( but as we told you, this blog can be read more quickly. Our allies are by the moment Sand Team, led by Steliana (temporary replacer: Mindexas333) (Naruto-Arena nicknames) and (our surprise) Kekki Genki Clan, led by Yung_Neji23 :) As for our Enemies List, we have only one by now: Ninja Legends, led by Ninjasimari. The reason for putting him and his team onto our Enemies List is that he insulted our clan and I thought no one has this right without proper reasons. But enough with this sorrow, we'll take care of them pretty soon ;) Let's wish Yung_Neji23 and his clan good luck on their future and ours as well, regarding the bond between us.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Blog is officialy open!

Welcome for all Jinchuuriki Rasengan members! Beside our official clan site ( ) we opened a Blog. There are three reasons for opening it: the first one is that we wanted to expand through the Internet (like locusts LoL) and it's much easier to transmit information if you have more ways to do it :) The second reason is that very few of the clan members are visiting the official site in order to get the news because there wasn't any straight way to find 'em, until now, when we do have it. The third reason for opening the Blog is that if we get exposed in front of the enemy clans, we have a place where we can regroup, and prepare our counter-attack >:)

. Credit to Sealer2: Sisupuya ... The creator of the Blog .